Our promise

The sustainability plan of Hotel Kirikeskus


Hotel Kirikeskus wants to offer its guests an experience where sustainable development covers the entire operation and is a natural part of daily work.

We work actively to promote sustainable development by constantly developing our operations and setting new goals every year.


We are committed to work for social sustainability and the development of local vitality by recruiting local staff and primarily using local partners who are committed to the principles of sustainable tourism.


We are committed to prevent and reduce the environmental impact of our operations. Our biggest direct environmental impact comes from the consumption of resources such as energy and water. We are therefore actively trying to reduce our energy and water consumption, minimize the generation of waste and improve its sorting.

We measure and monitor environmental efficiency every month by measuring water and electricity consumption and the amount of waste. The staff’s duties include monitoring and immediately responding to any water leaks they may detect. The temperature of rooms that have been empty for a longer period of time is lowered by property managers with the help of property automation. We use 100% renewable electricity and environmentally friendly products.


Our staff is committed to follow the principles of sustainable tourism and develope them in our operations. Our company’s work environment is safe and risk and crisis management is taken into account in our operations. We constantly train our staff and communicate to both staff and visitors about our sustainable development activities to increase environmental awareness and commitment.

We are committed to the equal treatment and rights of all people and do not accept abuse or harassment of any minority group.


In procurement, we commit to use as much local food as possible. We prefer organic, eco-labelled and seasonal products. We do not use meat, fish or shellfish products from endangered or protected stocks or species. We try to minimize in our operations food waste by making wholesale orders weekly as needed, organizing group meals according to orders and using leftovers (breakfast porridge for baking, bread for lunch, etc.) – In addition, leftover food is used for staff meals.

Our cleaning and washing agents as well as tissue and office paper are eco-labelled.,


In terms of laws and official regulations, we commit to exceed the regulations related to sustainable development.

We are actively involved in the regional cooperation for sustainable development initiated by the Posio tourism association. We want to be in the front line in creating a sustainable tourism industry and inspire our partners, guests and staff to participate in sustainable development activities.


5th of February 2023, Posio

Kirikeskus Oy (Hotel Kirikeskus)

Reijo Lantto